First of all, I would like to make a formal apology for the following article. It is a touchy subject, but it is one that I have very strong feelings for. It is a topic the simmers deep within me until I cannot hold it in any longer. It generates such strong feelings inside me that if I do not let it out I will explode. That being said, I would like to take the next few moments to vent.
The topic is faxes. My problem with faxes is that you usually don’t have any warning that they are coming until they arrive. It has even caused me to have a few awkward moments when I am talking on the phone, and without warning a fax arrives. If only they were completely silent, that would help a lot. Faxes are just plain embarrassing.
What is even worse is that I have been asked to send a Telefax before. I didn’t even know they existed until a friend of mine told me I should send him one. How can we, as a society, go on like this?
The faxes that I am referring to are, I guess we could say, particular. They are not the normal, everyday type of faxes. You could even go as far as to say that these faxes are a bit, flatulent. You see, sending a fax, according to an Italian, is well…a…how should I say it…well, you know, a way of saying “passing gas.”
We have even had discussions about the various ways to say “sending a fax” in both Italian and English. So, I was wondering Joeusers, how many different ways can you come up with to say, “sending a fax?”